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On this page, you can check out some of the opportunities to take action against plastic pollution and climate change. We highly encourage everyone to stand up for the world. Please click the nametags of opportunities to learn more. Please check later as we are updating these opportunities in real time!

FFF is an international organization that works against environmental issues such as plastic pollution. They organize strikes and campaigns to reach their goals.


The Earth Prize is a $200,000 environmental sustainability competition for teenage students everywhere. The Earth Prize will recognize the students and schools with the best solutions to accelerate positive change toward environmental sustainability.


The Lanier Law Firm—headquartered in Houston, Texas and one of the most experienced asbestos litigation law firms in the world—has prepared one of the world’s largest collections of asbestos products.


Consumer Notice offers resources like A Consumer’s Guide to Reducing Pollution and PFAS to help individuals reduce pollution and understand the impact of PFAS on water quality.


The Ocean Plastic Innovation Challenge, a key component of National Geographic and Sky Ocean Ventures’ partnership to reduce plastic waste, asks problem solvers from around the globe to develop novel solutions to tackle the world’s plastic waste crisis.


The Global Plastic Action Partnership (GPAP) is a multi-stakeholder platform dedicated to translating commitments to reduce plastic pollution and waste into concrete action. They aim to shape a more sustainable and inclusive world through the eradication of plastic pollution.


WWF works to help local communities conserve the natural resources they depend upon; transform markets and policies toward sustainability; and protect and restore species and their habitats. Their efforts ensure that the value of nature is reflected in decision-making from a local to a global scale.


Campaigns around the world have contributed to increased awareness of plastic pollution, and in some cases, action – but have they effectively shifted people toward more sustainable consumption choices? Campaigns That Work gives hint points and crucial information about how to campaign efficiently.


Greenpeace is a global network of independent campaigning organizations that use peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.


Plastic Pollution Coalition is a non-profit communications and advocacy organization that collaborates with an expansive global alliance of organizations, businesses, and individuals to create a more just, equitable, regenerative world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts.


The Sea Cleaners act with the conviction that only a global approach to plastic pollution – corrective and curative as well as preventive – will allow an awakening of consciences and a radical evolution of uses, thanks to a pioneering approach around the use of advanced technologies and the demonstrated success of innovative depollution solutions.


The Ocean Cleanup, a non-profit organization, is developing and scaling technologies to rid the world’s oceans of plastic. Their aim is to put themselves out of business once the oceans are clean.


Plastic Oceans sponsors projects that create change in consumer behavior, corporate practices, and public policy. These projects include activist programs like Rethink Refill and global campaigns like Swim Against Plastic. Plastic Oceans is also dedicated to inspiring generational change through youth education and film projects.


Let’s Clean Up Europe (LCUE) campaign is an EWWR sister-campaign with a specific focus on littering and abandoned waste. Every year, millions of tonnes of litter end up in oceans, beaches, forests, and elsewhere in nature. The primary causes of this littering issue are our society’s unsustainable production and consumption patterns, poor waste management strategies, and a lack of awareness among citizens.


From policy change to educational programs, Save Our Shores ensures ocean conservation throughout the community. Their programs and projects are designed to support the foundations of a thriving Monterey Bay: clean shores, healthy habitats, and living waters.


The Changing Markets Foundation was formed to accelerate and scale up solutions to sustainability challenges by leveraging the power of markets. Working in partnership with NGOs, other foundations, and research organizations, they create and support campaigns that shift market share away from unsustainable products and companies and towards environmentally and socially beneficial solutions.


Surfrider Foundation aims to reduce the amount of plastic in the water by obstructing the usage of single-use plastics and defending the alternatives found to replace single-use plastics. They are organizing beach cleaning activities to reach their goal, and they have gained 330 legislative victories about plastic pollution including the passing of the Federal Save the Seas Act.


Upstream sparks innovative solutions to plastic pollution by educating on the shortcomings of reactive solutions, funding proactive campaigns, and encouraging political advocacy. Upstream’s Reusable Blitz and Skip The Stuff initiatives reiterate reuse by inhibiting the consumption, and production, of single-use plastics.


​Think Beyond Plastic is dedicated to helping achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by fostering solutions in product delivery systems, bio-benign materials, and sustainable chemistry. They actively pursue this mission through their Innovation Center and Annual Accelerator Program, which serves to sponsor and educate newly established entrepreneurs in those fields.


Plastic Free Restaurants fights to eliminate plastic waste by subsidizing the cost difference between petroleum-based plastics and reusable alternatives. They also formulate a list of plastic-free restaurants that obtained that status by choice without subsidies. In addition, Plastic Free Restaurants provides educational resources regarding plastic consumption for restaurants, schools, and consumers.


Founded in 2000 in the Canary Islands, the Clean Ocean Project is a donation-based NGO dedicated to raising awareness about the pollution of oceans. They also regularly organize beach cleanings and encourage the avoidance of plastic bags and other single-use plastic items. One of the best and most interesting ecologic initiatives in Spain.


Plastic Tides fights plastic pollution by guiding youth leaders through local projects designed to bring about systemic change. Plastic Tides also hosts the Global Rising Tide Relay, which is a worldwide paddling challenge that raises funds to sponsor community projects for the Global Youth Mentor Program.


Climate Cardinals is an international youth-led nonprofit working to make the climate movement more accessible to those who don’t speak English. They aim to educate and empower a diverse coalition of people to tackle the climate crisis.


World Environment Day, held annually on 5 June, brings together millions of people from across the globe, engaging them in the effort to protect and restore the Earth. This year marks the event’s 50th anniversary.


Founded in 1966, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is the largest independent conservation organization dedicated solely to saving the Bay. Serving as a watchdog, CBF fights for effective, science-based solutions to the pollution degrading the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams.


IDEA was birthed in response to the devastation of hurricane Dorian and was responsible for successfully coordinating the evacuation of over 600 people on private vessels from Abaco’s mainland & cays during a 3-day period in early September 2019.


Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics?


Plastic Pollution Coalition is a non-profit communications and advocacy organization that collaborates with an expansive global alliance of organizations, businesses, and individuals to create a more just, an equitable, regenerative world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts.


City to Sea is running people-powered, community-serving campaigns to tackle plastic pollution. They offer resources on how to limit plastic in everyday life, partner with businesses, and help communities find simple solutions to lessening plastic pollution.


Post Landfill Action Network (PLAN) is taking Plastic Free July to the college campus through a virtual course that students and professors can sign up for. The course provides a toolkit on how to jumpstart a plastic-free campaign on their campus and provides background on the plastic crisis and our pivotal role in solving it.


Plastic Change is a Danish environmental organization working to reduce plastic consumption and put a stop to the single-use cycle. The nonprofit provides tips and resources on how to tackle the plastic crisis in your own backyard and is participating in Plastic Free July. 


Plastic Oceans is promoting a global movement to rethink plastic and address the impacts that plastic has on our planet. The nonprofit creates films, runs educational programs, inspires and empowers changemakers through campaigns, and much more.

© By Hemi Change

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