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Our Story

Hemi Change started as an idea in 2022, talking with others allowed us to develop our solution. We have reduced our carbon fingerprint as much as we can and, now, we are doing everything in our power to raise awareness among others and help them reduce their carbon fingerprints.

Our Action


Conference in Uckuyu - January 17


Conference in Idil - January 9

Ekran görüntüsü 2022-12-27 181650.png

Working at Laboratory - December 27


Biochemistry Seminar - January 12


Shipping the Ideas - December 25


Producing the Product - January 5

Image by Nick Fewings

Take Action!

As Hemi Change, we believe that every life matters and none should be the end because of human-caused pollution. We especially uphold the importance of raising awareness among children, who will live in this world after us. Below, you can see some ways that you can accelerate positive change.


Always try to thrive for a better future. The world will be saved by the action-takers.

Reach Out to Others!

Reach out to other people and let them know about the reality of climate change. Try to raise awareness to achieve sustainability in your community.

Start with Yourself!

Save more energy, use sustainable transportation methods, repair and reuse, and much more. Start taking action by yourself to make a fundamental change.


Talk with other who also wants to take action. Exchange of ideas will lead you to the result.

Speak Up!

Speak up and get others to join in taking action. Appeal to your family, friends, and neighbors. Let business owners and officials hear you.

Get Others to Join You!

Help others to change their way of living; reduce your carbon fingerprint as a community. Because none can fight climate change alone but we can do it together. 

© By Hemi Change

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